
At Light Farms, Five Amazing Pools Await You.

By June 20, 2017 No Comments
pool light farms

The weather is getting warmer, school is out and Summer is here! That means it’s time for our summer activities to begin. And at the top of most kids’ list is spending as much time as possible at the pool… one of our five amazing pools, that is. Whether your kids want to splash around and play Marco Polo or learn how to swim, Light Farms has the perfect pool and programs for you and your kids to enjoy!

This summer Light Farms has teamed up with Bearfoot.net to offer swimming lessons with the next 2 week sessions running July 10 – July 21 and July 24 – August 4. Times are 8 – 8:45 AM or 9 – 9:45 AM. Bearfoot provides swimming lessons for HOA members at the HOA pool, and they also offer private lessons at your convenience. All instructors are American Red Cross Certified Instructors, so you can feel confident that your kids will be safe and learn from the best. To register your kids for swimming lessons or for additional information, go to www.Bearfoot.net.

Light Farms is also excited to announce its first Swim Team! As a member of Swim380, a recreational swim league for families in the 380 Corridor, the Light Farms team of 41 members (from ages 5 to 18) will compete with six other teams from local HOAs. Starting June 6th, the team will practice three times a week for an hour each session at the Light Farms Junior Olympic (lap) pool. All swim meets will take place at Paloma Creek North Pool. Although registration is closed, you can contact swim380@outlook.com for FAQs and additional information on required swimwear and equipment. Best of luck to our Light Farms Swim Team! We’re proud to have you competing for us!

(And residents, just a quick reminder… please go to our HOA website at www.lightfarmshoa.com to review the Pool Rules listed under ResourcesàAmenity Rules. We want you and your kids to be safe while enjoying the pool! And, if you are not already a member of IAM Connected, contact the HOA office at 214-292-3484 to be added to our private web site. You’ll find all kinds of fun and useful info there, including our event calendar and important community notes.)