
Light Farms Resident Holistic Nutritionist Leslie Typrin

By March 27, 2015 No Comments

One of Leslie Typrin’s greatest passions as a holistic nutritionist is locally-grown, organic, sustainable food and making it available to people in the community. So, when she and her family moved into Light Farms, one of her first initiatives was to find a local urban farmer. That’s when she met Ryan Crocker, farm manager of Johnson’s Backyard Garden (JBG) in Denton, and set up the introduction between Light Farms and JBG to begin the Farm Stand!

The Farm Stand will be a market-style pickup location for farm-fresh, organic produce at Light Farms each Saturday from 9-12pm.

We’re so happy to have Leslie’s help in launching so many wonderful efforts in continuing to make Light Farms a healthy, green, sustainable community!