The Farm Stand Cafe & Market’s opening is right around the corner and we are thrilled… but, we can’t do it without YOU! We are now hiring for all positions and will be holding a job fair on the following two days in which we will give tours of the café and share with you the positions available and what each will entail:
Tuesday, May 1st at 6 PM
Saturday, May 5th at 10 AM
Both job fairs will be held at the café, located at 1230 Homestead Court, Celina, TX 75009. The only thing you will need to bring is a resume; if you do not have one please take this opportunity to start one. (Please understand we know this is a first job for many and love that about this café, that it is truly a community effort!) If this will be your first job experience, we want to be the first step in your amazing journey of employment.
We hope you’re as excited as we are, and appreciate your interest in being a part of something really special. We look forward to the opening of the Farm Stand Café & Market and your employment with us as well!