
Meet Leslie!

By February 23, 2015 No Comments

At Light Farms, we are committed to providing our residents with easy access to programs and services that will support and nourish a healthy lifestyle.  So, when we found out that we had a holistic nutritionist living in our Grange neighborhood, we jumped at the chance to form a partnership with her!  Leslie will be available to our residents for nutrition consultations, cooking demonstrations, and more.  Perhaps the most exciting part of her job to date is the Light Farms Farm Stand: a main distribution and pick-up point for our new CSA (community supported agriculture) Share and Natural Foods Coop program!  (We know, it’s a mouthful…food pun intended.)

Beginning every Saturday starting on March 21st,, 2015, Johnson’s Backyard Garden (www.JBGorganic.com) will be delivering farm-fresh, organic produce to Light Farms.

Stay tuned for our full interview of Leslie and for more information on our CSA program! And, see you on March 21!