
New Basketball Hoops and Bocce Ball Amenities

By March 17, 2015 No Comments

Amenities Update: Basketball Hoops are UP… and Bocce Ball Construction Begins TODAY!

We are excited to introduce the two new basketball hoops and bocce ball amenities to Light Farms.

The four basketball hoops are officially up (and we have witnessed some intense games already!) and the two bocce ball courts began construction this week!

We’ll be striping the parking lot so you can get your game on soon (basketballs will be located in the visitor center) and the bocce ball courts will be completed within the next few weeks! Both amenities are conveniently located within the central Barn Yard. So go ahead and practice those layups and brush off the dust on your bocce ball skills… we’ll be ready to roll in no time! Stay tuned for more info!

