
Sage Gardens Update

By July 19, 2016 No Comments

Check out some of our newest crops in Sage Gardens! These melons and tomatoes aren’t letting a little Texas heat bother ‘em!

Sage Gardens is nestled in a park in our Sage neighborhood and lovingly tended to by groups of residents from each of our neighborhoods. It’s made up of 6 planters with all types of veggies & herbs, and has been a huge hit since it began earlier this Spring! In fact, you can read all about it in our newest edition of Farm Notes which features an article from The Celina Record in which writer Lisa Ferguson interviews many of the Light Farms residents involved with Sage Gardens. And, while you’re at the Info Center grabbing Farm Notes, ask our helpful Sales Team or HOA staff about how you and your family can be a part of Sage Gardens!

#livewelleatwell #organic #communitygarden #LightFarms #SageGardens